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The direct-connect telephone interface was capable of recognizing tones on the telephone network such as dial tone, ringing and busy. The interface could pulse or Touch-Tone dial, allowing CompuFone to originate calls as well as answer them.
Touch-Tones could be generated at any time and can be sent to the telephone interface for transmission. Touch-Tones can also be received and decoded to allow control of the program running the CompuFone. The speech digitizer subsystem functioned as a "solid state tape recorder" by allowing speech or other sound to be saved in either RAM or mass storage and reproduced on playback. The speech digitizer used a hardware data compression technique to reduce the memory and mass storage space needed to record messages. This data compression technique achieved a 5-to-1 compression over an A/D converter. This allowed acceptable quality speech to be recorded and played back at a rate as low as 1.25K per second. This kind of compression made the storage of messages on floppy disks feasible. A total of five sampling rates were available, from 1.25 to 4K bytes per second.
This page was last modified on 01/08/2011